Monday, February 11, 2008

You know your from Youngstown when...

You know your from Youngstown when...

You steal $7 million in a armored car robbery and only make it to a double-wide in west virginia
When you take a hot date to the Coconut Grove.
You think Genitalia is an Italian airline.
You think TACO BELL is the Mexican Phone Company.
You hooked up with your present girlfriend as a result of a message on the wall of the mens' room at the Club 76 truck stop.
If the only reason to go to the convecation center is professional rastling.
If you think Jim Trafficant was rail roaded by the FBI.
If you think high class shopping is going to Walmart and Dollar General.
You were acquitted for murdering your first wife after she threw out your Elvis 8-tracks.
Your kids take a siphon hose to "Show and Tell."
If you think the MVSD is your own private lake.
You've ever had to scratch your sisters name out of a message that begins, "For a good time time call...".
The only time you go to church is for Fish or Perogi fridays.
Your whole family is Democrats 'cept little Mary. She lernt how to read.
You have a bumper sticker that says, "MY MOTHER'S AN HONOR STUDENT AT Cardinal Mooney".
You consider your license plate personalized because Jim Trafficant, Lenny Strolo or Phil Chance made it in prison.
Your lifetime goal is to own a zoldan fireworks stand.
The drug task force surrounded your house twice so far this year.
If your tomato plants get singed because of all the cars getting bombed in your driveway.
If your lawn ornament is riddled with bulletholes.

1 comment:

  1. You've had this inoperable vehicle parked on your driveway for like seven years and, instead of having it removed, renew the registration every year so that it complies with the Zoning regulations.
