Monday, March 16, 2009

Ursuline Irish Alumni Dancing to the Cafaro Music


  1. Nothing could be more true.

  2. Weigh the good vs the bad that the Cafaros did for the valley. The good well out weighs the bad.

  3. No money can make up for all the damage this family has done to this community. Just recently they cost the county millions in their frivolous lawsuit over Oakhill.

  4. There are always people who are jealose of wealth and power. The Monday mornung quarter backs who know everything, but yet can't cross the street by themselves. The Cafaro's have done an enormous about of good for the valley. But when your on top someone always wants to bring you down.

  5. Allen Kretzer one of the smartest attorneys in Youngstown said it wisely. Why do the Cafaro's stick around here and put their fingers in politics and mess things up? Well he said " They could go down to Florida and just be another TURD in a cesspool of TURDS or up here they are

    KING SHIT!!!

  6. Hey some of those guys are Mooney grads!

  7. You don't even know where these people went to school whoever the hell you are. Go ahead and sit on your butt and bash Youngstown. You are doing this community a lot of good.

    Perhaps educating yourself before posting stupid crap like this would be worth your while.
